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With more than 20 years of experience and over 1.2 billion of euros of assets under management, TOUAX Group enables qualified and professional investors, seeking diversification, to invest directly or indirectly in leased transportation assets offering stable yields.
These are mobile and standardised assets with low risk of obsolescence and a useful life between 15 and 50 years.


An investment in real assets has several characteristics for investors:

  • diversification with regard to traditional investments (stocks and bonds);
  • generally low volatility, as these asset categories are usually less exposed to speculation in the financial markets and benefit from a long leasing terms (3-6 years);
  • an attractive yield, as yields on financial assets (stocks, bonds) are currently low;
  • a stable leasing revenue flow, while maximising a residual value that can be significant.
  • potential protection against inflation, with real asset values showing a strong correlation with inflation;


Among the current qualified and professional investors there are different profiles, including family office, wealth managers, insurance companies and financial institutions, foundations, businesses and infrastructure funds.


TOUAX has dedicated team of experienced professionals who are there to organize the process and answer any questions investors may have as they review and analyse investment opportunities in containers, railcars and river barges.
TOUAX's Asset Management team has a solid understanding of the legal, business and technical aspects of the assets, as well as the characteristics of the market and is constantly looking for opportunities to leverage the Group's skills, knowledge and experience.
It also relies on the operational divisions and their strong expertise. This includes asset life-cycle management, from negotiations with manufacturers to initial leasing contracts and subsequent renewals and asset disposal to end users at the end of their useful life.


Any investment in real assets presents potential risks associated with geopolitical issues and the global economy, the transportation sector, rental activity and customer credit risk.
These risks are identified by TOUAX and further discussed in the risk factors of the Registration Document.
Any investment involves a high level of risk, and a poor performance may affect the overall return on the investment.
It may be possible that an investor does not obtain a return on investment or a return on capital. However, past performance does not prejudge of future results.